BA DUAN JIN - Silk Reeling

1:30 AM - 4:30 AM

10 November 2024


64 Canns Rd., Bedfordale WA 6112


Ba Duan Jin and Walking Meditation

The Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong is one of the most common forms of Chinese Qi Gong and is used as a form of general daily exercise. Variously translated as Eight Pieces of Brocade, or silk reeling, the form refers to how the eight individual movements of the form characterize and impart a silken, gentle, and elastic quality to the body and its energy. The Ba Duan Jin is primarily designated as a form of medical qigong, meant to improve health.

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This event will focus on practicing the eight forms of Ba Duan Jin interspersed with practicing circumambulation, a form of walking meditation

cumambulation is the act of walking around a sacred object, place, or space, and is deeply connected with mindfulness practice.

What you will learn:

·         The basic eight forms and their associated meridians and organ activations.

·         An understanding of how to manifest yin and yang energy in the body during standing and walking Qi Gong.

·         The difference between the internal feeling of absorb and project and condense and expand and how to apply these energies in conjunction with stationary and circular movement.

·         An understanding how we move from our centres and experience how Circlewalking can have a positive benefit on proprioception and balance.

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