1:00 AM - 4:30 AM
2 March 2025
64 Canns Rd., Bedfordale WA 6112
Shibashi (meaning 18 in Mandarin and pronounced sher baa sher) is a series of 18 energy-enhancing exercises that co-ordinate movement with breathing and concentration. It is a gentle, beautiful and flowing Tai Chi Qigong exercise routine that is both a joy to do and deeply relaxing for people of any age. Shibashi is a contemporary form of Tai Chi Qigong developed by Professor Lin Hou Sheng in 1979. Shibashi is designed to improve the general health and well being of the practitioner. The gentle rocking motions and stretching movements improve circulation and digestion.
For registration details please visit... https://momence.com/Chris-Newell/Circlewalking-Qi-Gong-~-Shibashi-11---18--and-Walking-Meditation/112107091