Utthita Hastasana

Upward Salute

2:00 AM - 3:00 AM

15 January 2022


Hyde Park, North Perth, between the lakes, look for the yellow agility pole.

Utthita hastasana is one of my favorite axial extension asanas, this pose helps us to find vertical as neutral.

Utthita hastasana is a wonderful asana for fascial tuning and activating the whole body preparing for practice. I love exploring the feeling of vertical alignment and connecting the energetics of heaven and earth with the breath. Feel the support of gravity and the earth and the pull of deep space.

Come and cultivate nervous system resilience and physical vitality. Join me for a layered investigation of this delightful brahmana* inducing pose. I teach a safe and inclusive form of interoceptive internal yoga suitable for everyone and every body. Fee by dana.

Another Sanskrit name for this pose is urdhva hastasana. The pose is sometimes called upward salute or extended mountain pose or upward prayer pose. It is the basis for any number of asana that develop from Tadasana.

If you would like to contact me you can email me at or you can message me on my FB site, please like and follow. I look forward to hearing from you.

* Definition - What does Brahmana mean?

Within Ayurveda, yoga asana and pranayama are divided into two energetic principles: brahmana and langhana. From Sanskrit, brahmana means "expansion," while langhana means "reduction." Brahmana increases energy, it activates the nervous system.

Yoga asana and breathing techniques that promote brahmana energize the body and mind. They increase mental activity and enhance metabolic functions. Asanas that encourage langhana, on the other hand, work to soothe the body and mind. They relax the body, reducing the heart rate and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Langhana asana can be thought of as a restorative asana. These two energetic principles can be thought of as similar to the yin and yang energies of Chinese medicine, with one being invigorating and the other calming.

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